For the Year 2018-2022
Quadrennial Thrusts
These thrusts collectively form the basis for the life and work of UCCP as expressed in various programs and ministries.
- Unity in the understanding of and commitment to the beliefs, values and principles of the Church, manifested in a profound sense of identity as UCCP.
- A vibrant congregational life rooted in the Christian faith, strengthened by an evangelistic zeal, deepened by a commitment to serve, and made visible in a warm and caring fellowship with one another.
- Faithful and responsible stewardship of the resources of the Church to strengthen its capacity to fulfill its various ministries and to eventually become self-reliant.
- Comprehensive human resource development that will ensure capable, responsible and effective leadership for present and future generations.
- Committed and dedicated prophetic witness of the Church as a collective response to the need to bring wholeness of life for all of God’s creation.
- Strengthened cooperation and coordination with and among church institutions and organizations as companions in the faith journey and as partners-in-mission.
- Stronger and meaningful interfaith, ecumenical, and international relations.